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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Measurement System for High-Field Mechanical Quality Factor of Piezoelectric Ceramics Based on LabVIEW

DOI: 10.12677/APP.2024.141001, PP. 1-9

Keywords: 压电陶瓷,强场机械品质因数,虚拟仪器,LabVIEW,自动测量
Piezoelectric Ceramics
, High-Field Mechanical Quality Factor, Virtual Instrument, LabVIEW, Automatic Measurement

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There is a significant difference in the mechanical quality factor Qm of piezoelectric materials under high- and low-field conditions, however, currently there is no universal characterization method and testing system for high-field Qm of piezoelectric materials. In this paper, a LabVIEW- based measurement system for the high-field mechanical quality factor (Qm) of piezoelectric ceramic resonators is designed, and a new method of data processing is proposed to realize the functions of instrument control, waveform data acquisition, signal filtering and fitting, and Qm calculation. The system is applied to determine the electric field and vibration velocity dependences of Qm values for thin disk and rectangular piezoelectric ceramic resonators. The results demonstrate a significant decrease of Qm with increasing electric field and vibration velocity. The system provides automated instrument control and data acquisition processing, which meets the needs of high-field mechanical quality factor measurement of piezoelectric ceramics and greatly enhances testing efficiency.


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