Vocational Education 2024
Cultivating “great country craftsmen” is the ardent expectation of the party and the state for vocational education in the new era, which will inevitably lead to the classroom reform of vocational education. Cultural ontology pedagogy takes the cultivation of elegant mind and humanistic quality as the spiritual growth process of vocational school students, so the construction of emotional classroom focuses on three aspects: First, integrate the spirit of “serving the country with skills” into the emotional classroom system, and encourage vocational school students to gradually form the belief of “Yu Mu unceasingly”. Secondly, the concept of “internal happiness” is infiltrated into the emotional classroom system to encourage vocational school students to gradually establish the ambition of “building dreams with ingenuity” to serve the country. Third, integrate the concept of “turning technology into intelligence” into the emotional classroom system, and encourage vocational school students to gradually improve their practical wisdom of skills.
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