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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Reflections on the Modesty of Criminal Law under the Positive Criminal Law View—Based on the Analysis of the Criminal Law Amendment (XI)

DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121013, PP. 86-96

Keywords: 积极刑法观,刑法谦抑性,法益原则,刑事立法
Positive View of Criminal Law
, Modesty of Criminal Law, Principle of Legal Benefit, Criminal Legislation

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China is entering an era of legislative activism, and criminal law is transforming from the passive and conservative approach of the past to positive intervention. The positive view of criminal law has to some extent become the dominant philosophy guiding China’s criminal law, and the Criminal Law Amendment (XI) is the latest achievement under the influence of the positive view of criminal law. However, the positive view of criminal law, which advocates the creation of new crimes and the expansion of the criminal circle, has raised concerns that it violates the modesty of criminal law. The positive view of criminal law does not violate the modesty of criminal law, but under the positive view of criminal law, the modesty of criminal law should be given a new connotation, that is, the emphasis should be shifted from the restraint of legislation to the control of the judiciary, and the requirement of modesty of criminal justice should be realised through the non-prosecution system, the expedited criminal procedure and the use of artificial intelligence technology.


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