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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Pragmatic Analysis of Cosmetics Advertising Words—Taking Advertising Words of TIMAGE as an Example

DOI: 10.12677/ML.2024.121015, PP. 99-104

Keywords: 广告词,合作原则,言语行为理论,彩棠
Advertising Words
, Cooperative Principle, Speech Act Theory, TIMAGE

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With the popularity of the Internet and the rise of the e-commerce industry, more and more beauty and skin care brands have begun to focus on the Chinese market. In this context, domestic cosmetic brands have to cope with not only the pressure from local enterprises, but also international brand competition. In response, it is essential for relevant enterprises to improve the quality of their own products and at the same time upgrade their marketing strategies, especially their advertising marketing. In order to achieve the goal of promoting commodity and persuading consumers to purchase, advertising writers will skillfully use some language strategies and rhetorical devices to attract consumers’ attention and then sell products. This paper combines advertising and pragmat-ics, takes TIMAGE, a domestic makeup brand, as a case study, and uses the cooperative principle, which includes the quantity maxim, the quality maxim, the relation maxim and the manner maxim, and speech act theory to explore the phenomena of violating the cooperation principles and appli-cation of speech act theories in TIMAGE’s advertising words. It further analyzes how advertisements affect consumers’ cognition and consumption behavior through language, so as to remind consum-ers to rationally distinguish between advertisement and the product itself. The ultimate goal of this paper is to improve consumers’ ability to recognize advertisements and consume rationally.


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