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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on Spread of National Standard Spoken and Written Language in Liaoning Area in Information Age

DOI: 10.12677/ML.2024.121017, PP. 111-117

Keywords: 国家通用语言文字,中华民族共同体意识,信息化
National Standard Spoken and Written Language
, Chinese Nation Community Consciousness, Informatization

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As an important symbol of national unity and solidarity, the national standard spoken and written language plays a close role in the emotional orientation and identity of the Chinese national com-munity, carries the people-centered development concept of the Party and the state, and effectively protects the democratic rights and interests of the people. In order to further promote the national standard spoken and written languages in Liaoning area and achieve the goal of national language popularization, this paper systematically analyzes the development and evolution of spoken and written languages in Liaoning area from the perspective of historical experience and practice by using various research methods such as literature research, case study and interdisciplinary re-search, clarify the determining factors and driving mechanism of the spread of the national stand-ard spoken and written language in Liaoning area, formulate a strategic plan for the development of the common spoken and written language in the information age, and ensure that the language in-dustry in Liaoning area will steadily advance in the direction of socialist modernization.


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