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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Effect of Teacher’s Expectation and Teacher’s Educational Reward on Academic Self-Efficacy of Junior High School Students: The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem

DOI: 10.12677/AP.2024.141007, PP. 39-47

Keywords: 教师期望,教师教育奖励,学业自我效能感,自尊
Teacher’s Expectation
, Teacher’s Educational Reward, Academic Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem

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Based on how teachers can effectively improve junior high school students’ academic self-efficacy, this study explored the effects of teacher’s expectation and teacher’s educational reward on aca-demic self-efficacy, and examines whether self-esteem plays a mediating role. Using the Teacher’s Expectancy Scale, Positive Feedback Frequency Questionnaire, Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, and Self-Esteem Scale, 1126 junior high school students from four schools in Nanning City and Wuzhou City, Guangxi were surveyed. The results showed that there were significant gender differences in teacher’s expectations, teacher’s educational reward, and self-esteem; there were significant grade differences in teacher’s educational reward and academic self-efficacy; there was a significantly positive correlation between teacher’s expectation, teacher’s educational reward, self-esteem, and academic self-efficacy; self-esteem partially mediates the relationship between teacher expecta-tions and academic self-efficacy, while the mediating effect between teacher’s educational reward and academic self-efficacy is not significant. The conclusion suggests that teachers should set realis-tic expectations based on students’ actual situations, use educational reward and encourage stu-dents to engage in positive attribution in teaching practice.


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