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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Analysis of Knowledge Base Migration and Research Hot Spot Evolution in Domestic and International Medical Community Research

DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2024.131008, PP. 55-62

Keywords: CiteSpace,医共体,可视化分析
, Medical Community, Visualization Analysis

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The construction of medical communities plays a crucial role in the development of integrated healthcare service systems. By fostering close collaboration among medical institutions at various levels, these communities effectively enhance the utilization of medical resources, improve patients’ healthcare experiences, and enhance the quality and efficacy of medical services. Leveraging the CiteSpace information visualization software, this study conducts an in-depth quantitative analysis of 295 valid documents retrieved from the China Knowledge Network database as of August 26, 2023, and 1220 relevant documents from the WOS Core Collection database. Our aim is to comprehensively identify the frontiers and evolutionary trends in medical community research over recent years. The results of comprehensive analysis show that there are some differences in the content and emphasis of research at home and abroad. The findings of our comprehensive analysis reveal that domestic medical community research primarily concentrates on county-level medical communities, county medical service communities, county medical communities, hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, patient volume, and integrated medical care. Conversely, foreign medical community research centers on medical treatment, disease, and health.


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