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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Progress of Development and Research on Childcare Services for Infants Aged 0~3 Years

DOI: 10.12677/AE.2024.141053, PP. 342-349

Keywords: 0~3岁,婴幼儿,托育服务,儿童发展,需求
0~3 Years Old
, Infants, Childcare Services, Child Development, Demand

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The development of childcare services has become a national strategic development task, which is of great significance for addressing important people’s livelihood concerns and achieving long-term and balanced population development. This study aims to compare and summarize the current development and research status of childcare services for infants aged 0~3 years, and analyze the lim-itation and key issues to be addressed in the field, the further research trends were also discussed. In order to continuously develop and promote the childcare services in the direction of specializa-tion, refinement and sustainability, and to provide an evidence-based basis for accelerating the high-quality development of childcare services for infants ages 0~3 years old in China, it is recom-mended to carry out innovative research at different levels and further verification of the effectiveness of diversified childcare service models.


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