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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Paraffin Sectioning and Microscopic Observation Analysis of Amorpha Fruticosa “Jinye”

DOI: 10.12677/BR.2024.131002, PP. 15-20

Keywords: “金野”紫穗槐,石蜡切片,栅栏组织,海绵组织
Amorpha Fruticosa “Jinye”
, Paraffin Section, Palisade Cell, Sponge Tissue

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In order to explore the cross-sectional structural characteristics of the cells of “Jinye” purple locust and purple locust, observe and distinguish the differences in tissue structure between “Jinye” pur-ple locust and purple locust, and master the method of making paraffin sections. Make paraffin sec-tions of the leaves of “Jinye” purple locust and purple locust, and observe the staining sections using a stereomicroscope. This study found that the transverse structure of the leaves of “Jinye” purple locust is complete, and the upper and lower epidermal cells are composed of one layer of cells. The cells are arranged neatly and tightly, and the shape and size are clearly visible. The palisade tissue is composed of four layers of circular cells, tightly packed in a linear arrangement, with cell gaps faintly visible. The palisade tissue of Amorpha fruticosa is composed of two layers of long cylindrical cells, with a linear shape, clear boundaries, neat arrangement, and uniform size; Sponge tissue cells are arranged dispersedly, and their volume and thickness are not as good as those of palisade tissue, which is significantly different from palisade tissue The sponge tissue of “Jinye” purple locust is composed of 3~4 layers of small circular cells; The sponge tissue of Amorpha fruticosa is relatively developed, consisting of 3~4 layers of elliptical and loosely arranged cells. The arrangement of vas-cular bundle cells in the two varieties is the same, with similar sizes and shapes. Through analysis of the results, it can be seen that there are differences in cell authenticity and structure between “Jin-ye” purple locust and purple locust.


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