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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Current Situation, Problems and Solutions of International Law Regulation of Global Cross-Border Data Flow

DOI: 10.12677/DS.2024.101038, PP. 269-278

Keywords: 跨境数据流动,数字贸易,国际法规制,数据主权,数据本地化
Cross Border Data Flow
, Digital Trade, International Legal Regulation, Data Sovereignty, Data Localization

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Data is known as the “oil” of the digital age, and it is necessary to regulate cross-border data flow through international law. Different positions on cross-border data flow and the actual national conditions of the country have formed four typical cross-border data regulation models worldwide. By reviewing the content and development process of the four existing cross-border data regulation models, this paper further analyzes the main problems in international legal regulation of cross-border data flow. This mainly includes the fragmentation of international legal regulations on cross-border data flows, jurisdictional conflicts arising from cross-border data flows under the Long Arm Doctrine, the limited effectiveness of current international regulations, and the lack of global cooperation in regulating cross-border data flows. The international legal regulation of cross-border data flow relies solely on a few countries formulating unilateral rules and data hegemony, which cannot reflect the common concerns of the major-ity of countries, achieve universal access to data dividends, and promote the circular development of the digital economy. Based on the current problems in cross-border data flow, propose solutions for international legal regulation of cross-border data flow, including improving the compatibility of cross-border data regulation, resolving jurisdictional conflicts in cross-border data flow, breaking down barriers to the effectiveness of cross-border data flow, strengthening international regulatory cooperation in cross-border data flow, further improving the regulatory system for cross-border data flow, and promoting the free, secure, and orderly flow of data globally.


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