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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Innovative Techniques Unveiled in Advanced Sheet Pile Curtain Design

DOI: 10.4236/ojce.2024.141001, PP. 1-37

Keywords: Sheet Pile Curtain Design, Soil-Structure Interaction, Geotechnical Engineering, Advanced Design Techniques, Finite Element Analysis, Innovative Geotechnical Methods

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This thorough review explores the complexities of geotechnical engineering, emphasizing soil-structure interaction (SSI). The investigation centers on sheet pile design, examining two primary methodologies: Limit Equilibrium Methods (LEM) and Soil-Structure Interaction Methods (SSIM). While LEM methods, grounded in classical principles, provide valuable insights for preliminary design considerations, they may encounter limitations in addressing real-world complexities. In contrast, SSIM methods, including the SSI-SR approach, introduce precision and depth to the field. By employing numerical techniques such as Finite Element (FE) and Finite Difference (FD) analyses, these methods enable engineers to navigate the dynamics of soil-structure interaction. The exploration extends to SSI-FE, highlighting its essential role in civil engineering. By integrating Finite Element analysis with considerations for soil-structure interaction, the SSI-FE method offers a holistic understanding of how structures dynamically interact with their geotechnical environment. Throughout this exploration, the study dissects critical components governing SSIM methods, providing engineers with tools to navigate the intricate landscape of geotechnical design. The study acknowledges the significance of the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model while recognizing its limitations, and guiding practitioners toward informed decision-making in geotechnical analyses. As the article concludes, it underscores the importance of continuous learning and innovation for the future of geotechnical engineering. With advancing technology and an evolving understanding of soil-structure interaction, the study remains committed to ensuring the safety, stability, and efficiency of geotechnical structures through cutting-edge design and analysis techniques.


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