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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Role of the Second Pillar in Building a Multi-Level Pension Insurance System

DOI: 10.12677/SD.2024.141005, PP. 33-40

Keywords: 企业年金,老龄化冲击,养老保障体系,路径优化,可持续发展
Enterprise Annuity
, The Impact of Aging, Pension Security System, Path Optimization, Sustainable Development

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In the face of the impact of aging, we propose to develop a multi-level and multi pillar pension in-surance system. However, in reality, basic pension insurance is dominant, and the second pillar has not fully reflected its advantages. Therefore, this article systematically analyzes the concept, development process, and current situation of enterprise annuity, as well as the difficulties and optimization paths faced by the development of enterprise annuity system. The challenges faced by enterprise annuity in developing a multi-level and multi pillar pension insurance system mainly include difficulties in establishing the enterprise annuity system, operating the annuity fund, and difficulties brought about by the external environment. At the same time, suggestions for optimi-zation paths have also been proposed based on these three perspectives.


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