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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Protection of College Students’ Part-Time Labor Interests

DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121025, PP. 164-170

Keywords: 大学生,劳动权益,兼职,法律保障
College Students
, Labor Rights and Interests, Part-Time Jobs, Legal Protection

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Under the situation of increasing employment pressure of college students in our country at present, many college students choose to use their spare time to engage in part-time jobs to relieve financial pressure. However, these part-time jobs often have a variety of rights infringement problems. Among them, the most typical problems include low salary and non-timely payment; not enjoying the relevant social welfare and personal safety guarantee; encountering false information, network fraud insurance and welfare benefits are not in place and so on. Analysis of these problems, we can find that they are more from the lack of contract, information opacity, weak legal awareness and other factors. This paper analyzes and studies the causes of such problems from four aspects: national legal system construction, college students themselves, colleges and universities, and society. Finally, it puts forward several suggestions and measures, including improving legal norms, enhancing college students’ awareness of protecting their rights, strengthening the protection of the government and colleges, and strengthening the supervision of intermediaries and enterprises. To help college students better protect their legitimate labor rights and interests during the part-time period.


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