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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




On the Application Dilemma and Solution Path of the “Green Principle” in The Civil Code

DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121031, PP. 209-215

Keywords: 《民法典》,绿色原则,适用困境,解决路径
The Civil Code
, Green Principle, Application Dilemma, Solution Path

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The inclusion of the “green principle” in The Civil Code is a strong response to environmental issues in the new era, and has demonstrated its own value and strength in relevant judicial judgments. However, the “green principle” born in controversy has inherent flaws, leading to confusion in judicial application and being widely questioned by society. After literature review and case analysis, it was found that this principle has issues such as semantic ambiguity, insufficient legal rule support, and unclear relationship with property rights, which have limited its application in practical judicial decisions. To address this issue, it is necessary to clearly define the relevant concepts of the “green principle” and regulate its meaning through legal interpretation. In addition, it is possible to consider expanding the interpretation appropriately to find a balance in reconciling the relationship between public and private rights, in order to fill legal loopholes, ensure its effective application in judicial practice, and effectively respond to environmental challenges in the new era.


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