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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Protection of Women’s Property Rights in Marriage—Taking the Premarital Mortgage Purchase as an Example

DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121035, PP. 242-247

Keywords: 夫妻财产制度,女性财产权益,按揭房
Matrimonial Property Regime
, Female Property Rights, Mortgage Housing

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After more than 70 years of development and changes since the implementation of Marriage Law, the matrimonial property regime has always reflected the legislative principle of equality between men and women, and the introduction of the Marriage and Family Section of The Civil Code has further safeguarded the equal property rights of both men and women in the marriage relationship. However, the traditional marriage custom in China is basically that the man buys the wedding house and marries the wife, and the woman lives with her husband after she marries. Therefore, once their marriage changes, women’s property rights in the marriage are usually difficult to be effectively protected, and the existence of such phenomena in the trial is often the formal equality covers up the substantive inequality. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen legislative and judicial protection, strengthen publicity and education on the marriage and family law, to cultivate women’s spirit of independence and improve the matrimonial property regime. This paper will take premarital mortgage housing purchase as an example to analyze the protection status, damage and protection countermeasures of women’s property rights in marriage relationship.


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