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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Prediction of Family Socioeconomic Status on College Students’ Future Orientation: The Moderating Effect of Psychological Capital

DOI: 10.12677/AP.2024.141013, PP. 88-94

Keywords: 社会阶层,未来取向,心理资本
Social Class
, Future Orientation, Psychological Capital

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In order to explore the influence mechanism of family socioeconomic status on college students’ fu-ture orientation, and to test the mediating effect model of psychological capital and its applicability, 162 college students were selected as experimental subjects. MacArthur Ladder Scale, “Future Outcome Consideration - Future” subscale and positive psychological capital questionnaire were used to test. The relationship model between the three variables is constructed to explore the in-ternal mechanism of promoting the positive development of college students’ future orientation. The results show that: Subjective family socioeconomic status can positively predict college stu-dents’ future orientation; psychological capital plays a complete mediating role between subjective family SES and college students’ future orientation, that is, college students living in low family SES lack confidence in future development, and thus make short-sighted decisions when facing the fu-ture; on the contrary, college students with high family SES are more confident that they can grasp the future and tend to consider long-term development when making future decisions.


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