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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research and Explorationon Vocational Education Serving Regional Economic and Social Development

DOI: 10.12677/VE.2024.131021, PP. 122-128

Keywords: 职业教育,区域经济发展,问题,策略
Vocational Education
, Regional Economic Development, Problem, Strategy

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This article conducts an in-depth discussion on the problems existing in Quzhou vocational education serving regional economic development and proposes corresponding solutions. Firstly, to address the issue of insufficient resources and structural conflicts in vocational education serving local economic development, measures such as integrating educational resources, strengthening the connection with the market, and optimizing talent training programs can be taken. Secondly, to address the problem of low enthusiasm for enterprise participation in vocational education and weak effectiveness of school-enterprise cooperation, measures such as formulating preferential policies, strengthening communication and coordination, and deepening school-enterprise cooperation can be taken. Thirdly, to address the problem of insufficient number and low skill level of “double-qualified” teachers, measures such as increasing the introduction effort, formulating training plans, and building communication platforms can be taken. Finally, to address the problem of imperfect vocational education system and weak attractiveness, measures such as improving the vocational education system, strengthening the promotion of vocational education, and strengthening the connection with industry can be taken. Through the implementation of the above measures, Quzhou vocational education can be promoted to serve regional economic development and make greater contributions to local economic development and social progress.


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