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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Estimation of Daily Global Solar Radiation with Different Sunshine-Based Models for Some Burundian Stations

DOI: 10.4236/epe.2024.161001, PP. 1-20

Keywords: Clearness Index, Two Kinds of Relative Sunshine Duration, Ångström-Prescott Linear Model and Four Derivatives, Statistical Tests, Six Burundian Stations

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Sunshine duration (S) based empirical equations have been employed in this study to estimate the daily global solar radiation on a horizontal surface (G) for six meteorological stations in Burundi. Those equations include the Ångström-Prescott linear model and four amongst its derivatives, i.e. logarithmic, exponential, power and quadratic functions. Monthly mean values of daily global solar radiation and sunshine duration data for a period of 20 to 23 years, from the Geographical Institute of Burundi (IGEBU), have been used. For any of the six stations, ten single or double linear regressions have been developed from the above-said five functions, to relate in terms of monthly mean values, the daily clearness index (\"\") to each of the next two kinds of relative sunshine duration (RSD): \"\" and \"\" . In those ratios, G0, S0 and \"\" stand for the extraterrestrial daily solar radiation on a horizontal surface, the day length and the modified day length taking into account the natural site’s horizon, respectively. According to the calculated mean values of the clearness index and the RSD, each station experiences a high number of fairly clear (or partially cloudy) days. Estimated values of the dependent variable (y) in each developed linear regression, have been compared to measured values in terms of the coefficients of correlation (R) and of determination (R2), the mean bias error (MBE), the root mean square error (RMSE) and the t-statistics. Mean values of these statistical indicators have been used to rank, according to decreasing performance level, firstly the ten developed equations per station on account of the overall six stations, secondly the six stations on account of the overall ten equations. Nevertheless, the obtained values of those indicators lay in the next ranges for all the developed sixty equations: \"\" ; \"\" ;


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