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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Improving the Civil Rights and Interests of Victims from the Perspective of Anti Domestic Violence

DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121038, PP. 273-279

Keywords: 家庭暴力,人身安全保护令,民事救济制度
Domestic Violence
, Personal Safety Protection Orders, Civil Relief Systems

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The issue of domestic violence has been a global problem that has plagued people worldwide since ancient times. Each country has enacted laws to prevent, stop, and correct domestic violence. Since the promulgation of the Anti Domestic Violence Law in 2016, it seems that domestic violence is no longer just an internal issue within the family, but rather an illegal act prohibited by law. At the same time, the public’s understanding of how to protect their own rights and interests through civil remedies has also undergone significant changes. The provisions on divorce damages compensation and the revocation of the guardianship system stipulated in the Civil Code have gradually been widely applied with the public’s awareness of domestic violence issues. However, with the widespread application of the civil relief system for domestic violence, some problems in the operation of the system have gradually emerged. From the perspective of anti domestic violence, this article analyzes the current situation of anti domestic violence in China and the gaps in existing laws in terms of personal safety protection orders, mental domestic violence, and civil compensation liability for domestic violence. It proposes further improvement measures for relevant regulations to protect the civil rights and interests of victims of domestic violence.


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