Plato’s “Noble Lie” used to educate the city-state of Athens in The Republic is questioned by the “absolutism” at the level of political philosophy and “harm of lies”. The purpose of this article is to respond to the objections faced by “Noble Lie” and clarify the nobility of it. In response to the objection of authoritarianism, this paper will first analyze whether the principle of “Noble Lie” has the necessary mental condition of autocracy. Then whether the connotation of “Noble Lie” refers to a particular polity or is universal to all polities will be further explored. The conclusion will be drawn that “Noble lie” is not a pretense for authoritarianism. In response to the objection of “harm of lies”, this paper will divide the definition of lies into three categories: Plato’s definition of lies, lies at the daily conversation level and lies at the level of existential philosophy. The paper will analyze whether “Noble Lie” meets the definitions of these three categories one by one, and then analyze even if it constitutes a lie in terms of factual judgment, whether its value should be denied at the level of value judgment, that is, whether “Noble Lie” is truly noble. And the conclusion will be drawn that “Noble Lie” can only be defined as “lie” at the level of daily conversation, but its value cannot be denied because of it. Then, this paper will discuss the nobility of the “Noble Lie”. Through the analysis of its motivation, the meaning of the educational methods represented by “Noble Lies” to city-states and the protection to philosophers and philosophers will be illustrated.
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