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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




An Inquiry into the Decline of the Eight Ban-ners Army

DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2024.121008, PP. 49-58

Keywords: 八旗军,女真,衰落,封建王朝
Eight Banners Army
, Jurchen, Decline, Feudal Dynasty

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The system of Eight Banners was first established by Nurhaci and was officially established in the 43rd year of the Wanlireign of the Ming Dynasty. The system of serving as a farmer in peacetime and a military during wartime can ensure the strong combat effectiveness of the military while ensuring the productivity and basic means of life of the Jurchen ethnic group, while saving the cost and energy of separately supporting the military. The system of Eight Banners provided a solid institu-tional guarantee for the unification of the Jurchen tribe in Jianzhou, the defeat of the Ming army, and even the entry into the customs, and the determination of the Central Plains. However, it also laid the foundation for the idle and wasteful military activities of the Eight Banners Army in the later period, until the downfall of the Qing feudal dynasty. This paper aims to elaborate on the specific manifestations of the decline of the Eight Banners Army, and then analyze and explore the reasons for its decline and the various impacts it causes.


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