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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Review of Uncertainty Research in Reactor Multi-Physics Coupling Calculation

DOI: 10.12677/NST.2024.121005, PP. 36-51

Keywords: 耦合计算,不确定性分析,数值反应堆,混合不确定性
Coupling Calculation
, Uncertainty Analysis, Numerical Reactors, Mixed Uncertainty

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Nuclear reactor is a system which is closely coupled with many physical processes such as particle field, temperature field, flow field, and stress field. The numerical simulation of advanced nuclear reactor needs to solve the problems of multi-scale, large-scale and multi-physical field coupling. In recent years, with the progress of computer technology and modern numerical simulation technology, it is possible to realize large-scale numerical simulation of comprehensive reactor performance through multi-physical field and multi-scale coupling framework, numerical reactor and even reactor digital twin system become the overall target of numerical simulation. With the popularization of the method of best estimate plus uncertainty analysis, uncertainty analysis has become an important part of nuclear reactor design and safety analysis. Compared with the uncertainty analysis for a single code or a single physical field, the uncertainty analysis for the multi-physical field coupling calculation is more complex. In addition to the uncertainty of each physical field simulation itself, the uncertainty caused by the code coupling process must be considered, which has not been studied deeply enough. Based on the uncertainty sources and analysis methods of single physical field computing code, this paper summarizes and expounds the existing work on the uncertainty analysis of coupling codes, and makes a preliminary analysis on the mixed uncertainty research of multi-physics coupling calculation.


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