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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Discussion on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Microvascular Angina Pectoris Based on “Xin Neng Kai Xuan”

DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2024.131006, PP. 31-35

Keywords: 玄府,微血管性心绞痛,辛能开玄
, Microvascular Angina, Pungent Energy Opens Xuanfu

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Xuanfu is the gateway for the circulation of qi and fluids, and an occlusion of Xuanfu results in imbalance of qi elevation and elevation, poor qi and blood circulation, stagnation of qi, and imbalance of water and fluid circulation. In patients with microvascular angina pectoris, the Xuanfu is blocked, the blood is in stasis, the qi mechanism is not smooth, and the phlegm-dampness is blocked. This paper elaborates the basic pathogenesis of microvascular angina pectoris through the theory of xuanfu, and provides diagnostic and therapeutic ideas for microvascular angina pectoris due to the characteristics of pungent medicines that can disperse, move and pass.


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