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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Reflection on the Phenomenon of “Irrational Internal Competition” among Contemporary College Students Based on the Concept of “Revere the Fundamental and Dismiss the Specific”

DOI: 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131021, PP. 134-139

Keywords: 崇本举末,道,“内卷”,大学生
Revere the Fundamental and Dismiss the Specific
, Dao, “Irrational Internal Competition”, College Student

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The concept of “revere the fundamental and dismiss the specific” expresses Laozi’s emphasis on “the essence”. Through Wang Bi’s interpretation of Laozi’s “revere the fundamental and dismiss the specific”, this paper explores the different meanings of “revere the fundamental and dismiss the specific” and reflects on the phenomenon of “irrational internal competition” among college students, aiming to promote the individual development and freedom of college students by adhering to the “Dao” and “the fundamental” to uphold their human nature.


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