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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Analysis of International Academic Influence of Linguistics in China Based on InCites

DOI: 10.12677/ML.2024.121032, PP. 206-219

Keywords: 语言学,国际学术影响力,学科建设,文献计量,InCites
, International Academic Influence, Discipline Construction, Bibliometrics, InCites

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Linguistic research has flourished in recent years, showing characteristics such as mul-ti-perspectives and multi-disciplinary intersection, and so does Linguistic research in China. Chinese linguistic researchers have taken an active part in international academic communication, taking in new theories and research methods while developing an academic system with its own features. How is the international influence of linguistic research in China? How competitive are domestic in-stitutions and authors? Using InCites, we conducted a bibliometric analysis of linguistic research, concerning quantity, influence, cooperation and research performance of domestic and foreign re-search institutions and authors. Results suggest that China ranks high on international academic influence and is now the only Asian country in the top 10, but there is still a huge gap between Chi-na and the US in terms of research quantity and influence. China started late in modern linguistics studies; despite the rapid development, the gap can hardly be closed in the short term, and efforts should continue to be made to promote the discipline construction of linguistics in the future.


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