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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Cognitive Correlation of Linguistic Form, Semantics and Conceptual Framework

DOI: 10.12677/ML.2024.121034, PP. 228-235

Keywords: 语言形式,语义,概念框架,认知关联
Linguistic Form
, Semantics, Conceptual Framework, Cognitive Correlation

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Cognitive linguistics believes that reality determines cognition and cognition influences language. Language is the result of people’s cognitive experience and representation of objective reality. At the same time, linguistic forms affect people’s acceptance of semantics and form a conceptual framework for people to understand the objective world. Cognition is the necessary channel for lin-guistic form formation and semantic acceptance. When we form the language and send out the speech, we should consider the experience of the speaker when the semantic reception, so as to achieve the ideal communicative effect.


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