Introduction: Obstetric emergencies are common throughout the world and more
particularly in developing countries where they are responsible for high
maternal-fetal mortality and morbidity. Objective: Study obstetric
emergencies in the maternity ward of Kara University Hospital. Method: Retrospective
and descriptive study from April 1, 2022 to March 30, 2023, carried out in the Obstetrics
and Gynecology Department of Kara University Hospital. Results: Eight
hundred and thirty-five (835) obstetric emergencies were recorded out of 2215
admissions, i.e. a frequency of
37.7%. The average age of the patients was 26.7 with a range of 14 and 45
years. They were primigravidas (36.7%) and nulliparous (38.7%), referred
(84.7%) and came from rural areas (72%). Emergencies occurred in the 3rd trimester in 74.1% and in parturients (54.1%). Preeclampsia (27%), cessation of
progression of labor due to feto-pelvic disproportion (12.4%), postpartum
hemorrhage (7.5%) constituted the main obstetric
emergencies. In 44.8%, the delivery was carried out vaginally. Magnesium
sulfate was the most used drug, i.e. 30.1%; followed by antihypertensive
medications in 28.1%. Blood transfusion was performed in 24.3%. The evolution
was simple in 90.9%. The maternal fatality rate was 1.6%. The perinatal case
fatality rate was 12.3%. Conclusion: Obstetric emergencies are
common, dominated by preeclampsia, stopping progress of labor and postpartum
hemorrhages. They are responsible for high morbidity and mortality.
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