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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Variation of Active Permafrost Thickness and Its Influencing Factors in the Pan-Arctic Region

DOI: 10.12677/OJNS.2024.121017, PP. 140-146

Keywords: 泛北极地区,活动层厚度,气候变化,植被类型
, Active Layer Thickness, Climate Change, Vegetation Types

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北极地区是冻土广泛分布的地区,针对泛北极地区冻土退化的现象进行分析,对于预测全球气候的改变,植被类型和覆盖度的剖析具有十分重要的意义。现如今,随着工业和科技的飞速发展,全球变暖的趋势日益明显,这可能使地球上的多年冻土加速退化。并且多年冻土极易受气温的影响,不同植被类型冻土活动层也有所不同。本研究基于站点监测数据MODIS (Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)数据(MCD12Q1和MCD12C1产品)对泛北极地区活动层厚度进行研究。结果表明:北极地区活动层厚度存在纬度地带性,全球气候的变暖与活动层厚度的增加有极大关系,且不一样的植被类型所对应的活动层厚度也不尽相同(林地最高,灌丛最低)。该结果对于深刻理解北半球高纬度地区的冻土冻融格局有很大帮助,而且可以为冻土区的资源和环境保护提供有效的支持。
The Arctic region is a region where permafrost is widely distributed. The analysis of permafrost degradation in the Pan-Arctic region is of great significance for the prediction of global climate change, and the analysis of vegetation types and coverage. Nowadays, with the rapid development of industry and technology, the trend of global warming is becoming increasingly obvious, which may accelerate the degradation of permafrost on Earth. Moreover, permafrost is easily affected by air temperature, and the active layer of permafrost is different with different vegetation types. This study is based on MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data (MCD12Q1 and MCD12C1 products) to study the active layer thickness in the pan-Arctic region. The results show that the thickness of active layer in the Arctic region is latitudinal and zonal, and there is a great relationship between the global warming and the increase of active layer thickness, and the thickness of active layer is different for different vegetation types (forestland is the highest, shrub is the lowest). The results are of great help to understand the pattern of frozen soil freeze-thaw in the northern hemisphere, and can provide effective support for the protection of resources and environment in the frozen soil region.


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