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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Sweetener and Flavor Enhancer Food Additives in Industrial Food Products Marketed in Dakar: Frequency and Diversity

DOI: 10.4236/ojapps.2024.141008, PP. 101-117

Keywords: Exhalter, Sugar, Acesulfame Potassium, Sodium Monoglutame, Artificial, Health Risk

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Sweeteners and flavor enhancers are food additives widely used in industry, respectively, to add sweetness and flavor to foods. However, the presence of these substances is often criticized by consumers for their effects on health. What’s more, some scientific studies link these substances to certain pathologies. To guarantee food safety, competent authorities should have food standards based on risk analysis using consistent, reliable data. However, in developing countries, such data is often weak or non-existent. The aim of this study is therefore to carry out a pilot survey to establish the profile of sweeteners and flavour enhancers present in industrial food products marketed in Senegal. The methodology consisted of sampling various food products sold on the Senegalese market, based on analysis of labels containing information on ingredients, including additives. The investigation involved nine stores, one supermarket and 5 mini-markets in Dakar. The results showed the presence of 6 taste enhancers in food products, the most frequent being sodium L-monoglutamate (E621), inosinate (E631) and disodium guanylate (E627). Solid broths are the foodstuffs with the highest number of taste exhalters. As for sweeteners, 12 substances were identified, the most frequent being acesulfame potassium (E950), aspartame (E951), sucralose (E955) and saccharin (E954). Given the potential health risks associated with the consumption of these food additives, their control and monitoring on the market should be a priority for the competent authorities.


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