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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Theoretical Basis, Practical Challenges and Countermeasures of Big Data Enabling Great Ideological and Political Education

DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2024.131025, PP. 189-196

Keywords: 大数据,大思政
Big Data
, Great Ideological and Political Education

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Big data enabling “great ideological and political education” is the only way to reform ideological and political education in the information age. From the perspective of theory and logic, big data is the inevitable requirement of “great ideological and political education” to broaden the breadth of education, improve the precision of education and promote the progress of education. From the perspective of practical basis, “great ideological and political education” leveraging big data is the promotion of technological progress, the need for social development, the application of infrastructure construction, and the advocacy of national policies. In this process, it is necessary to refine information processing to improve data validity, standardize information application to ensure privacy and security, intelligent push system to enhance learning effect, professionalize teacher training to improve teaching quality. The goal is to realize the collaboration between big data and ideological and political education, then, promote the innovation and reform of ideological and political education in the context of the information age.


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