This article analyzes the developmental trajectory of the Dōjima Rice Exchange during the Edo period and its impact on Japan’s economic policy. The study highlights that the Dōjima Rice Exchange was not only the central hub for rice trading in Osaka during the Edo period but also significantly influenced subsequent generations with its trading system. Particularly, its organized approach to futures trading is recognized as the world’s first organized futures exchange. The paper focuses on the Kyōhō Reforms during the Tokugawa Yoshimune era, examining the economic background of these reforms, their implementation, and the consequent effects on the Dōjima Rice Exchange. It notes that the increase in rice production during the reform period led to a fall in prices, adversely affecting the shogunate’s financial revenue. Furthermore, the article delves into the impact of the Dōjima Rice Exchange on socio-economic development, including its role in market intervention, price stabilization, and commodity circulation. It also highlights the risks associated with futures trading, such as the deviation of the empty rice market from actual rice trading, potentially leading to economic instability and social unrest. In summary, this paper not only provides an analysis of the historical status and role of the Dōjima Rice Exchange but also reveals its influence on sub-sequent futures trading systems, offering critical historical context for understanding the origins of modern financial markets. The study of the official recognition of the Dōjima Rice Exchange offers new perspectives and profound insights into the development of the commodity economy during the Edo period, particularly during the Kyōhō era.
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