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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Role of Parenting Style in Children’s Moral Development

DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2024.131055, PP. 390-396

Keywords: 家庭教养方式,儿童道德发展,家庭教育
Parenting Style
, Children’s Moral Development, Family Education

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The development of children’s morality will not only have a great influence on children’s personal growth, but also be of great importance to the development of society. However, in the process of children’s moral development, family education plays an important role, and the parenting style has a profound impact on children’s moral development. The article starts with the perspective of parenting style and elaborates on its role in the process of children’s moral development. The positive parenting style has a promoting effect on children’s moral development. And the negative parenting style is not conducive to children’s moral development. This inspires us to adopt more positive parenting style in the process of children’s moral development, and to avoid using negative parenting style. The influence of parenting style on children’s moral development is fundamental, and its role in the process of children’s moral development is irreplaceable. Therefore, we cannot ignore the impact of parenting style on children’s moral development.


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