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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




An Analysis of “Love”—Based on Moore’s Open Question Argument

DOI: 10.12677/AP.2024.141027, PP. 193-199

Keywords: 爱的施行,开放问题论证,应然,自由
Exercise of Love
, Open Question Argumentation, Contingency, Freedom

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本文利用分析哲学家摩尔(G. E. Moore)的开放问题论证(open question argument)这一思想资源,从语言分析的维度,来尝试性地揭示我们日常语言中“爱”这个概念的一般涵义。我们首先通过运用开放问题论证来说明“爱”这个概念不能用表征心理或生理的概念下定义,并通过发展开放问题论证的思路,揭示出“爱”的一般涵义具有应然性的特征,并进一步得到了“爱的施行应当是无欲望的关切”、“爱的施行应当符合自由的观念”等基本结论。
In this paper, we utilize the open question argument of analytic philosopher G. E. Moore to try to reveal the general meaning of the concept of “love” in our daily language from the dimension of lin-guistic analysis. Firstly, we use open question argument to show that the concept of “love” cannot be defined in terms of concepts characterizing psychology or physiology, and through the development of the idea of open question argument, we reveal that the general meaning of “love” is characterized by contingency, and we further get the following basic conclusions: “Love should be exercised with desireless concern”, “Love should be exercised in conformity with the notion of freedom”, etc.


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