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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research Progress on the Prevention and Treatment of Sepsis in Traditional Chinese Medicine

DOI: 10.12677/PI.2024.131005, PP. 33-39

Keywords: 中药,脓毒症,器官损伤,保护作用,机制
Chinese Medicine
, Sepsis, Organ Damage, Protective Effect, Mechanism

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As a common clinical critical illness, sepsis still lacks very effective treatment methods and thera-peutic drugs in the clinic. In recent years, under the guidance of Chinese medicine theory and the continuous updating of modern drug research methods, the research of Chinese medicine in the treatment of sepsis has achieved remarkable results. In this paper, the therapeutic effects of Chi-nese medicines on the related damages caused by sepsis were studied and summarized from three aspects, namely, single-flavored Chinese medicines, Chinese medicines compound soup, and pro-prietary Chinese medicines, which provide new ideas for the clinical treatment of sepsis.


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