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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Capturing New Trends in the Development of Digital Trade: CiteSpace-Based Visual Knowledge Mapping Analysis

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2024.121004, PP. 28-38

Keywords: CiteSpace,数字贸易,数字经济,服务贸易,研究趋势
, Digital Trade, Digital Economy, Trade in Services, Research Trends

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With the help of CNKI’s core literature database and CiteSpace visualization software, the central literature on the topic of “digital trade” and related fields from 2015 to 2022 was analyzed. The results show that the distribution of research authors in the field of digital trade in China is relatively scattered, and there is little cooperation among scholars, among which the representative scholars with high publication volume and strong influence include Zhou Nianli, Chen Huanqi, Xia Jiechang, Ma Shuzhong, etc., and the research institutions are mainly think tank research institutes and universities. The research hotspots mainly focus on digital economy, trade in services, digital governance, and international trade; Value chain, digital governance, and trade rules are the frontier trends and research trends in the field of digital trade.


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