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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Advances in Phased Array Weather Radar Technology Research

DOI: 10.12677/CCRL.2024.131017, PP. 155-170

Keywords: 天气雷达,双偏振多普勒雷达,相控阵雷达,研究进展
Weather Radar
, Dual Polarization Doppler Radar, Phased Array Radar, Research Advances

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Weather radar is a typical meteorological radar, which is also called rain radar. It, as the detection tool, generally provides service for warning and forecasting on the small and medium scale rainfall weather system. From the first weather radar, it has witnessed the continuous progress of weather radar technology, due to the continuous development of social economy and the progress of science and technology. Historically, the weather radar has developed from common simulation, digitaliza-tion, Doppler to Doppler dual polarization. The transmitter system, the core component of weather radar, has developed from magnetron and klystron to all-solid and phased array technology. This paper reviews both domestic and international advances in weather radar technology research. The meteorological microwave band, weather radar type, weather radar system, dual linear polarization Doppler weather radar and phased array weather radar are comprehensively introduced. Finally, a conclusion and outlook are provided.


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