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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Psychology  2024 

Exploring the Relationships between Self-Evaluations, Personality Traits and Disorders, and Political Skill

DOI: 10.4236/psych.2024.151004, PP. 44-57

Keywords: Political Skill, Personality, Disorders, Self-Evaluation, Networking, Social Astuteness, Apparent Sincerity

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This study asked the question: What are the bright- and dark-side correlates of political skill? It looked at the Big Five personality traits, personality disorder clusters and core self-ratings correlates of political skill. Over 500 adults completed measures of personality traits and disorders, self-evaluations, as well as political skill measured at the domain and facet level by the Political Skills Inventory (PSI). We confirmed the four-fold structure of the PSI. There were many differences in the correlates of the different facets, though political skills were associated with being Emotional Stability (low Neuroticism), Conscientiousness, positive self-image, and Extraversion. Regressions onto the four facets showed the predictor variables accounted for between 25% and 41% of the variance. Some personality disorder factors associated with theatricality were positively associated with political skills. There is, therefore, both a bright- and dark-side to having political skills. Implications are considered and limitations are acknowledged.


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