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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Impact of Laboratory Value Flowsheet in Electronic Health Record (EHR) Documentation Time

DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2024.141004, PP. 40-50

Keywords: Electronic Health Record, EHR, Laboratory Results Template, Documentation Time

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Research on the use of EHR is contradictory since it presents contradicting results regarding the time spent documenting. There is research that supports the use of electronic records as a tool to speed documentation; and research that found that it is time consuming. The purpose of this quantitative retrospective before-after project was to measure the impact of using the laboratory value flowsheet within the EHR on documentation time. The research question was: “Does the use of a laboratory value flowsheet in the EHR impact documentation time by primary care providers (PCPs)?” The theoretical framework utilized in this project was the Donabedian Model. The population in this research was the two PCPs in a small primary care clinic in the northwest of Puerto Rico. The sample was composed of all the encounters during the months of October 2019 and December 2019. The data was obtained through data mining and analyzed using SPSS 27. The evaluative outcome of this project is that there is a decrease in documentation time after implementation of the use of the laboratory value flowsheet in the EHR. However, patients per day increase therefore having an impact on the number of patients seen per day/week/month. The implications for clinical practice include the use of templates to improve workflow and documentation as well as decreasing documentation time while also increasing the number of patients seen per day.


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