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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Phytochemical Screening, Study of Acute Toxicity and Hypoglycemic and Antihyperglycemic Activities of Silver Nanoparticles from Guibourtia tessmannii (Harms) J. Leonard (Caesalpiniaceae)

DOI: 10.4236/ojapps.2024.141009, PP. 118-130

Keywords: Guibourtia tessmannii, Nanoparticles, Hypoglycemia, Anti-Hyperglycemia

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According to the World Health Organization, diabetes affects approximately 347 million people worldwide. Its management is not within the reach of all social classes, therefore medicinal plants are still the first resort for many populations in Africa. The biological material used in this study was the trunk bark of Guibourtia tessmannii. 50 g of trunk bark powder were decocted in 500 ml of distilled water for 5 minutes were carried out. The method used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNps) was an organometallic bio-reduction of silver nitrate salts mediated by various secondary metabolites contained in the plant extract. The study of the toxicity acute was conducted according to guideline 423 of the OECD protocol. The pharmacological activities were each carried out with 28 female rats divided into 7 groups of four rats. It was a question for the hypoglycemic activity of administering various doses of silver nanoparticles and other substances to the rats thirty minutes after the carbohydrate intake and for the anti-hyperglycemic activity of administering the same substances to the rats thirty minutes before the carbohydrate intake. The extraction yield was 8.76%. Only the alkaloid test was negative. After acute toxicity study, the LD50 was greater than 2000 mg/kg. Blood sugar tests revealed that glibenclamide 5 mg/kg, which is the reference molecule, lowered blood sugar more than the other treatments applied in the other batches. It was followed by treatment with silver nanoparticles at a dose of 400 μg/kg in both tests. It was therefore concluded that silver nanoparticles from G. tessmannii are good for the formulation of improved traditional medicines and bring up their afficacity .


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