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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




What to Do after a Breach of Trust?—Research Status of Trust Restoration

DOI: 10.12677/AP.2024.141042, PP. 298-305

Keywords: 信任修复,信任违背,人际关系
Trust Repair
, Trust Betrayal, Relationships

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Trust is the foundation of good interpersonal relationships, but in today’s society, the trust of indi-viduals is decreasing, and there are many incidents of trust-violating in daily interactions. How to achieve effective trust repair and avoid falling into trust crisis after a breach occurs is one of the core topics in the field of trust research and emergency management practice. This article provides an overview of the definition of trust repair in the existing literature and summarizes the different mechanisms (attribution mechanism, social equilibrium mechanism, and structural mechanism) behind trust repair. The trust repair process is then reviewed to illustrate the different stages of trust repair. Future research should pay attention to the integration of different repair mechanisms and repair strategies, explore trust repair from a wider range of paths and perspectives, try to com-bine field studies and case studies to improve the external validity of the results, and consider the impact of time factors on trust repair.


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