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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research Progress on Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Mechanism of Mongolian Medicine Hosta plantaginea Flowers

DOI: 10.12677/OJNS.2024.121022, PP. 185-194

Keywords: 玉簪花,化学成分,药理作用
Hosta plantaginea Flowers
, Chemical Constituents, Pharmacological Activities

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蒙药玉簪花为百合科Liliaceae玉簪属Hosta玉簪Hosta plantaginea的干燥花,作为蒙医药常用药材,广泛用于治疗急慢性咽炎等疾病。现代植物化学和药理学研究表明,玉簪花化学成分主要包括甾体类、黄酮类、生物碱类等,具有抗炎、抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、保肝、镇痛等药理作用。本文综述了近年来玉簪花化学成分和药理作用最新研究进展,以期为玉簪花在药品和食品等方面资源开发和利用提供理论基础。
The Mongolian medicine Hosta plantaginea flowers is a dried flower of the genus Hosta in the Liliaceae family. As a common medicinal material in Mongolian medicine, it is widely used to treat diseases such as acute and chronic pharyngitis. Modern phytochemical and pharmacologi-cal studies have shown that the chemical constituents of H. plantaginea flowers mainly include steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids and so on, which have pharmacological activities such as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, anti-oxidation, liver protection, and analgesia. This paper reviewed the latest research progress on the chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of H. plantaginea flowers in recent years in order to provide theoretical basis for the resource development and utilization of H. plantaginea flowers in medicine and food.


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