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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research Progress on TCM Treatment of Gastric Cancer Microenvironment

DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2024.131025, PP. 156-162

Keywords: 中医药,胃癌,肿瘤微环境
Traditional Chinese Medicine
, Gastric Cancer, Tumor Microenvironment

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The change of tumor microenvironment leads to cell gene mutation, which is an important cause of tumor occurrence, and the intervention of tumor microenvironment is one of the most popular re-search fields in the tumor field in recent years. The unique overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine has similarities with the concept of tumor microenvironment, and traditional Chinese medicine has a definite curative effect on improving gastric cancer tumor microenvironment, and its theoretical basis and modern mechanism have been explored and studied. Therefore, the author collected the articles about gastric cancer tumor microenvironment in recent years, and summa-rized and analyzed the research status of understanding and intervention of gastric cancer tumor microenvironment, so as to provide new reference and path for the future research of traditional Chinese medicine intervention of gastric cancer tumor microenvironment.


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