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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Gender Disparities in Financial Inclusion: An Analysis of India’s Policies and Practices

DOI: 10.4236/ojbm.2024.121027, PP. 430-443

Keywords: Financial Inclusion, India, Gender Gap, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

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There is growing evidence that appropriate financial services contribute to a country’s overall development and economic growth as financial inclusion has significant benefits for consumers, especially women and underprivileged adults, especially in rural areas. This paper provides a comprehensive review of financial inclusion and analyzes the impact of financial inclusion on communities around the world. It identifies the emerging trends in the finance industry as well as some controversy in policy circles regarding financial inclusion. The paper also discusses the significance of financial inclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affected, and was influenced by financial innovation, the economy, financial literacy, poverty levels, and financial policies across countries. It assesses ongoing efforts and future possibilities of fintech in combating poverty, especially in developing nations. The key findings in this review indicate that financial inclusion in the formal financial system can improve the disposable income of low-income urban households and contribute towards fighting poverty. The paper also discusses the shortfalls of financial inclusion and analyses the effectiveness of fintech in reducing poverty levels around the world. The conclusion is that financial inclusion is an effective tool in fostering rapid economic growth in the world. Finally, the issues discussed in this paper suggest several avenues for future research into policy solutions to eradicate the barriers that exclude individuals from financial markets.


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