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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




New Approach to Synchronize General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics with Constant “K”-Resulting Dark Matter as a New Fundamental Force Particle

DOI: 10.4236/jhepgc.2024.101022, PP. 292-302

Keywords: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Space Time, Dark Matter, A New Fundamental Constant “K

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Planck scale plays a vital role in describing fundamental forces. Space time describes strength of fundamental force. In this paper, Einstein’s general relativity equation has been described in terms of contraction and expansion forces of space time. According to this, the space time with Planck diameter is a flat space time. This is the only diameter of space time that can be used as signal transformation in special relativity. This space time diameter defines the fundamental force which belongs to that space time. In quantum mechanics, this space time diameter is only the quantum of space which belongs to that particular fundamental force. Einstein’s general relativity equation and Planck parameters of quantum mechanics have been written in terms of equations containing a constant “K”, thus found a new equation for transformation of general relativity space time in to quantum space time. In this process of synchronization, there is a possibility of a new fundamental force between electromagnetic and gravitational forces with Planck length as its space time diameter. It is proposed that dark matter is that fundamental force carrying particle. By grand unification equation with space-time diameter, we found a coupling constant as per standard model “αs” for that fundamental force is 1.08 × 10-23. Its energy calculated as 113 MeV. A group of experimental scientists reported the energy of dark matter particle as 17 MeV. Thorough review may advance science further.


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