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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Engineering  2024 

Variability in Quantity and Salinity of Produced Water from an Oil Production in South Kuwait

DOI: 10.4236/eng.2024.161002, PP. 8-23

Keywords: Produced Water, Oil Wells, Water-Cut, Salinity Fluctuation, Total Dissolved Solids

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Produced water (PW) is the largest waste stream in the oil and gas industry. Water remains trapped for millions of years in the reservoir with oil and gas. When a hydrocarbon reservoir is infiltrated by a production well, the produced fluids commonly contain water. The understanding of this water’s constituents and volumes is vital for the sustainable continuity of production operations, as PW has a number of negative impacts on the infrastructure integrity of the operation. On the other hand, PW can be an alternative source of irrigation water as well as of industrial salt. Interestingly, both the quantity as well as the quality of PW do not remain constant but can vary, both progressively and erratically, even over short periods of time. This paper discusses such a situation of variable PW in an oil and gas operation in the State of Kuwait.


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