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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Female Contraception: Comparative Study of Biometrics and Vascularization of the Uterus at Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital (Togo)

DOI: 10.4236/ojog.2024.141015, PP. 162-174

Keywords: Contraception, Endometrium, Uterine Artery, Doppler

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Female contraception uses both hormonal and non-hormonal methods. The aim of the study is to determine the impact of female contraception on uterine vascularisation and the endometrium. Method: It was a descriptive comparative study with an analytical aim. It took place at the University Clinic of Obstetrics Gynaecology and the Radiology and Medical imaging Department of Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital in Lomé over a two-month period from May 15, 2023 to July 15, 2023. Group 1 included women using a modern contraceptive method and group 2 women not using a modern contraceptive method. Epidata 3.1 and R 4.0.4 software were used to process the data. Results: Each group included 50 women. There were no significant differences in uterine and endometrial biometrics. All women on contraception had their zone 1 vascularized, without vascularisation of zone 2, without significant difference with women without contraception The pulsatility index was greater than 3 in 51% (n = 51) of women, including 62.7% (n = 32) of women without contraception and 37.3% (n = 19) of women on contraception, with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Contraceptive methods do not influence the biometry of the uterus. However, uterine artery Doppler indices can predict abnormal uterine bleeding.


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