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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on Landscape Preference of Urban Mountain Park Based on Visitors’ Perception—Taking Xishan Park in Mianyang City as an Example

DOI: 10.4236/jss.2024.121032, PP. 469-485

Keywords: Visitor Perception, Landscape Preference, Mountain Parks

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Visitors’ environmental perception characteristics are an important path to identify the landscape characteristics of urban parks and their value components. This paper adopts the methods of online semantic sentiment analysis and questionnaire research to construct a vocabulary of perceived spatial environmental features and social and cultural services of Xishan Park in Mianyang City, taking Xishan Park in Mianyang City as the object of study, and utilizing the public reviews, microblog comments, and Ctrip comments, etc. The results of the study show that tourists and urban residents are satisfied with the park and have a strong sense of “belonging”. The results of the study show that tourists and urban residents have higher satisfaction with Xishan Park in Mianyang City, and have a stronger sense of belonging and happiness; based on the text data of tourists and urban residents, we constructed a thesaurus of environmental perception, and analyzed the environmental perception characteristics of tourists to Xishan Park. Based on the research text data of tourists and urban residents, we constructed a thesaurus of environmental perception, analyzed the environmental perception characteristics of visitors to Xishan Park, analyzed the eight social values existing in Xishan Park in Mianyang, and proposed optimization strategies for Xishan Park in Mianyang.


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