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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Exploration of Psychological Crisis Intervention Strategies for College Students from the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education

DOI: 10.12677/AP.2024.141053, PP. 380-386

Keywords: 思想政治教育,大学生心理危机,心理干预,干预策略
Ideological and Political Education
, College Students Psychological Crisis, Psychological Intervention, Intervention Strategy

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The university stage is a critical period for the psychological and personality development of college students. The pressure and problems from life, communication, emotion, study and other aspects make some college students fall into self-doubt, depression, confusion and anxiety, resulting in self-denial, alienation from others, disregard for society, disregard for the country and other psy-chological crises, which seriously affect the personality development and mental health of college students. This paper combines ideological and political education with mental health education in colleges and universities, innovates the intervention methods of college students’ psychological cri-sis, enriches the teaching content of ideological and political education, and provides a new per-spective and thinking for the intervention of college students’ psychological crisis.


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