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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Multisensory Integration Effects in Action Video Game Players

DOI: 10.12677/AP.2024.141056, PP. 404-411

Keywords: 多感觉促进效应,McGurk效应,动作游戏玩家
Multisensory Performance Improvement Effects
, McGurk Effect, Action Video Game Players

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目的:本研究旨在探讨动作游戏训练对多感觉整合的影响。方法:以动作游戏玩家为研究对象,通过两项实验研究分别考察动作游戏玩家的多感觉整合促进效应和多感觉整合错觉效应。研究1采用定位检测任务结合go-no go研究范式,研究2采用经典的McGurk效应研究范式。结果:1) 当视听刺激同时出现时,两组被试反应时最短,正确率最高,均表现出多感觉整合促进效应(实验1)。2) 在视听不一致条件下,动作游戏玩家多感觉错觉效应的发生频率大于非游戏玩家(实验2)。结论:1) 动作游戏玩家和非游戏玩家均表现出多感觉促进效应。2) 动作游戏玩家和非游戏玩家均表现出多感觉错觉效应,且动作游戏玩家多感觉错觉效应量更大。
Object: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of action video game training on multi-sensory integration. Methods: Taking action video game players as the research object, two experi-mental studies were conducted to investigate the promotion effect of multisensory integration and the illusion effect of multisensory integration in action video game players, respectively. Study 1 used the localization detection task combined with the Go-No go study paradigm, and Study 2 used the classic McGurk effect study paradigm. Results: 1) When audio-visual stimuli were presented at the same time, the response time of the two groups of subjects was the shortest, and the accuracy rate was the highest, two groups of subjects both showed the promotion effect of multisensory inte-gration (Experiment 1). 2) Under the condition of audio-visual inconsistent, the effects of the action game players feel more illusion frequency greater than non-gamers (Experiment 2). Conclusion: 1) Both action video game players and non-game players showed multisensory performance im-provement effects. 2) Both action video game players and non-game players showed the effect of multisensory illusion, and the effect size of multisensory illusion was larger in action video game players.


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