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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Protection and Development of Historical and Cultural Blocks—Taking Italy and China as Examples

DOI: 10.12677/SD.2024.141025, PP. 185-192

Keywords: 历史文化街区,中国,意大利,保护与发展
Historical and Cultural District
, China, Italy, Protection and Development

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Since the 1920s, the protection of historical and cultural blocks has become increasingly universal in our architectural technology and architectural forms, and gradually simplified now it seems particularly urgent. The protection of historical areas can maintain and develop the cultural and social values of each country, and also enrich the historical and cultural heritage from the archi-tecture. Cultural heritage is the physical symbol of human civilization in the long history, and it is the precious national spiritual and cultural wealth of human beings. With the acceleration of China’s urbanization and new rural construction, China’s cities are facing the contradiction between the protection and development of cultural heritage. How to solve and balance the relationship between the two needs to sort out the characteristics and protection problems of China’s historical and cultural heritage, and draw lessons from the mature experience of foreign countries.


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